Still To Be Determined

Still To Be Determined

  • 241 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Nov 12, 2021
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241 Latest episodes

Aug 16, 2023 00:16:06 and Sean revisit your questions about robotic surgery, house cooling systems, waste reuse and more. YouTube version of the podcast: in touch:

Aug 09, 2023 00:25:26

Matt and Sean talk about waste recycling projects, profit, and the mailbag.
Liquid Metal Battery Video mentioned:
Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, Top 5 Crazy innovations...

Aug 02, 2023 00:24:48 and Sean talk about NASA’s nickel hydrogen batteries uses at home, some unpleasantness at Matt’s new home, and more from the mailbag. Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, Why This NASA Battery May Be The Future o...

Jul 26, 2023 00:33:13 has a fun conversation with Adam Sachs, the CEO and co-founder of Vicarious Surgical, who is developing a tiny, surgical robot that could radically change how surgery is performed.

YouTube version of the podcast: h...

Jul 19, 2023 00:19:47 and Sean talk about comments from the mailbag, which includes a lot of thoughts on building with wood vs. concrete, sustainable timber, and more. Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, How We Engineered Incredible...

Jul 11, 2023 00:46:16 and Sean talk about comments from the mailbag (rail guns, and ambient heating), as well as Matt’s full interview with Jason Korb, Principal Architect at Korb + Associates Architects, who design Ascent Milwaukee.  It’s curr...

Jul 05, 2023 00:25:54 and Sean talk about radiant heating, nuclear fusion medical applications, and where to look for next steps.Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, How Nuclear Fusion Can Benefit Us … TODAY!

Jun 28, 2023 00:23:38 and Sean talk about Matt’s visit to First Light Fusion to see their railgun-powered fusion energy generation research, and its impact on energy production. Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, This Breakthrough F...

Jun 21, 2023 00:31:14 and Sean talk about Matt’s visit to the UKAEA’s Culham Science Centre and a Tokamak Fusion Reactor, and what surprises he found.
Details on Sean’s book reading in NYC on June 24th:

Jun 14, 2023 00:21:18 and Sean talk about solar panels, inequity, and whether residential solar panels are fair to those without them. Watch the Undecided with Matt Ferrell episode, Why Solar Panels Aren’t Unfair or a Scam
