Still To Be Determined

Still To Be Determined

  • 241 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Nov 12, 2021
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241 Latest episodes

Jun 01, 2020 00:37:25

NOT TO SCALE: Matt and Sean talk about graphene, how it's made and how it *might* be used. Everything from graphite to flash graphene. They also discuss interns singing Queen, absurd smiley faces, and the bad B-movie set design that is the SpaceX space pr

May 11, 2020 00:53:01

Matt and Sean talk about the physical (home office) and the mental (motivation, anyone?) of a work-from-home situation. They also share some suggestions for decompression entertainment, and Sean explains why he was late to recording in a long-winded bonus

May 04, 2020 00:40:44

Matt and Sean discuss relying on actual experts during a pandemic, fusion energy option and alternatives, and how many horses it would take to create a solar fusion reaction!

Apr 06, 2020 00:30:07

Matt and Sean talk about cars other than Tesla's, braided bread loaves, keeping perspective during the pandemic, and how Matt's first shot at a live-stream went.

Mar 30, 2020 00:33:36

Matt and Sean talk about Tesla apps, confusing authorizations, and recommendations for movies, pillows and other ways to while away your socially distant hours. Bonus track at the end: We don't know how to read a calendar.
