Still To Be Determined

Still To Be Determined

  • 241 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Nov 12, 2021
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241 Latest episodes

May 17, 2021 00:25:10

Matt and Sean discuss how the aesthetics of solar tiles might not find a mass market place if panels start to be an everyday item. Also: is the cost really out of control in the US?

Apr 05, 2021 00:38:51

Matt and Sean discuss Matt's talk with a mobile-solar-RVing friend who lives off-grid wherever he might want to roll (including how it might not be for everyone). Also: GODZILLA vs. KONG, DEBRIS, and some award-nominated movie recommendations.

Mar 29, 2021 00:47:42

Matt and Sean talk Elon Musk and hyperloops, how you'd find enough real estate (or convince people to get inside), and why the train system itself may be beside the point. Also: more WandaVision, Say Anything, and Falcon & The Winter Soldier.

Mar 22, 2021 00:50:07

Matt and Sean discuss how the old technology of a Stirling Engine can have modern (and even futuristic) applications. How thermal energy storage and Stirling Engines could provide energy storage for renewable energy. Also: The Snyder Cut of Justice Leagu
