Still To Be Determined

Still To Be Determined

  • 241 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Nov 12, 2021
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241 Latest episodes

Sep 20, 2021 00:29:53

Matt and Sean talk about solar panels that move away from silicon, and the industry’s challenge to balance panel longevity and energy production.

Sep 06, 2021 00:27:51

Matt and Sean talk about earthships (off-grid homes built from repurposed materials like tires), their challenges and advantages, and what more conventional building could learn from them.

Aug 30, 2021 00:24:30

Matt and Sean talk about airships: their viability, their safety, and whether passenger travel will ever be something for the masses (or even the super-rich).

Aug 16, 2021 00:27:17

Matt and Sean talk about lab grown meats, the positives to the environment, and the strange opportunities it serves up.

Aug 09, 2021 00:20:37

Matt and Sean talk about Matt’s experience with smart circuit breakers and smart electric panels, how you might need to divvy up your power needs in a blackout, and what to do when you’ve got a rogue dehumidifier.
